947B 500CC M-VF White Moody 101.096 99.327 101.400
947B 500CC M-VF White Moody 99.876 96.487 99.766
948B 250CC APS-VF Zeglin / Moody 73.946 91.412 0.000
Record Run--B-948 Zeglin / Moody 250CC/APS-VF 0.000 94.260 76.425 Turn Out
Wes definately did "run the ton" this year....now he just has to pick up a little more mph for the record. Chuck is going fast too. It looks like the fairings making a small difference. Hes running 94 mph and he could have the record in his class. Right on!!Keep it up!! Remember what Christopher Cross said :"RIDE LIKE THE WIND"